Act locally but think globally

IB is short for INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE. The IB Program is an internationally-recognized program established in 1968 and noted for its depth and challenging curriculum. It is a rigorous pre-university course of study leading to assessment in six subjects areas-sometimes a student may be allowed to take 7 subjects. A high quality curriculum that aims to encourage critical thinking by the study of traditional disciplines, IB also encourages an international perspective. Beyond completing college-level courses and examinations, IB students are also required to engage in community service, individual research, and inquiry into the nature of knowledge. Students may prefer the programme for the following reasons

IB diploma candidates must choose one subject from each of groups 1 to 5, thus ensuring breadth of experience in all areas: languages, the experimental sciences, mathematics and the Social Sciences. The sixth subject may be an arts subject chosen from group 6 or the student may choose another subject from any of the other groups. At least three and not more than four are taken at the HL (higher level), the others at (SL) standard level. (Higher Level (HL) courses represent a recommended 240 teaching hours, Standard Level (SL) courses represent a recommended 150 teaching hours.) In addition, all diploma candidates must fulfil the three central requirements of the IB Diploma, which are the Extended Essay, CAS (Community, Action, and Service) hours, and the Theory of Knowledge class which are considered as the core/essence of the IB Diploma.


Language A:

The IB Diploma Programme language A: literature course develops understanding of the techniques involved in literary criticism and promotes the ability to form independent literary judgments. In language A: literature, the formal analysis of texts and wide coverage of a variety of literature—both in the language of the subject and in translated texts from other cultural domains—is combined with a study of the way literary conventions shape responses to texts. Students completing this course will have a thorough knowledge of a range of texts and an understanding of other cultural perspectives. They will also have developed skills of analysis and the ability to support an argument in clearly expressed writing, sometimes at significant length. This course will enable them to succeed in a wide range of university courses, particularly in literature but also in subjects such as philosophy, law and language.

Texts studied are chosen from the prescribed literature in translation (PLT) list and the prescribed list of authors (PLA) or elsewhere. The PLT list is a wide-ranging list of works in translation, from a variety of languages, allowing teachers to select works in a language different from the language of the examination. The PLA lists authors from the language of the examination. The authors on the list are appropriate for students aged 16 to 19.

All group 1 courses are suitable for students experienced in using a language in an academic context. It is also recognized that students have language backgrounds that vary significantly. For one student the target language may be his or her only proficient language; another student may have a complex language profile and competence in more than one language. While students in the group 1 courses will undergo significant development in their ability to use language for a range of purposes, these are not language-acquisition courses. In group 1, it is assumed that students are highly competent in the target language, whether or not it is their mother tongue.

Overview of the language A: literature higher level course and curriculum model

The aims of the language A: literature course at both higher and standard levels are to:

Language B

The IB Diploma Programme language B course provides students with the opportunity to acquire or develop an additional language and to promote an understanding of other cultures through the study of language. The course allows students to access the target language by studying it as a beginner or as someone with prior experience of the language.

Language B is designed for students who possess a degree of knowledge and experience in the target language. Those learning a language B at higher level should be able to follow university courses in other disciplines in the language B that is studied.

Business Management

The IB Diploma Programme business and management course is a rigorous and dynamic subject in group 3, individuals and societies. The course explores how business decision-making processes impact on and are affected by internal and external environments. It is perfectly placed as a group 3 subject since it is the study of both the way in which individuals and groups interact in an organization and of the transformation of resources.

The Diploma Programme business and management course is designed to develop an understanding of business theory, as well as an ability to apply business principles, practices and skills. As a course it aims to encourage a holistic view of the world of business by promoting an awareness of social, cultural and ethical factors in the actions of organizations and individuals in those organizations.

Developing international mindedness and an awareness of different cultural perspectives is at the heart of the course – enabling students to think critically and appreciate the nature and significance of change in a local, regional and global context.

Key features of the curriculum and assessment models:


The IB Diploma Programme physics level course exposes students to this most fundamental experimental science, which seeks to explain the universe itself—from the very smallest particles to the vast distances between galaxies. Students develop traditional practical skills and techniques and increase facility in the use of mathematics, the language of physics. They also develop interpersonal skills as well as information and communication technology skills, which are essential in modern scientific endeavours—and are important life-enhancing, transferable skills in their own right. Students, moreover, study the impact of physics on society, the moral and ethical dilemmas, and the social, economic and environmental implications of the work of physicists. Throughout this challenging course, students become aware of how scientists work and communicate with each other. Further, students enjoy multiple opportunities for scientific study and creative inquiry within a global context.

In addition, the course is designed to:

Mathematics (General)

It is a requirement of the programme that students study at least one course in mathematics.

Four courses in mathematics are available:

These four courses serve to accommodate the range of needs, interests and abilities of students, and to fulfil the requirements of various university and career aspirations.

The aims of these courses are to enable students to:

Students are also encouraged to appreciate the international dimensions of mathematics and the multiplicity of its cultural and historical perspectives.

Math HL

The IB Diploma Programme mathematics higher level course is for students with a strong background in mathematics and competence in a range of analytical and technical skills. Students will be likely to include mathematics as a major component of university studies—either in its own right or within courses such as physics, engineering or technology. The course focuses on developing important mathematical concepts in a comprehensive, coherent and rigorous way through a balanced approach. Students are encouraged to apply their mathematical knowledge to solve problems set in a variety of meaningful contexts and to justify and prove results. Students develop insights into mathematical form and structure and become intellectually equipped to appreciate the links between concepts in different topic areas. They will also be urged to develop the skills needed to continue their mathematical growth in other learning environments. In addition, the course will enable students to:

Math SL

The IB Diploma Programme mathematics standard level course is for students with knowledge of basic mathematical concepts who are able to apply simple mathematical techniques correctly. The course provides students with a sound mathematical background to prepare for future studies in subjects such as chemistry, economics, psychology and business administration. Students will be introduced to important mathematical concepts through the development of mathematical techniques in a way that emphasizes subject comprehension rather than mathematical rigour. Students should, where possible, apply the acquired mathematical knowledge to solve realistic problems. In addition, the course will enable students to:

Math Studies

The IB Diploma Programme mathematical studies course, available in standard level only, is for students with varied backgrounds and abilities. The course is designed to build confidence and encourage an appreciation of mathematics in students who do not anticipate a need for mathematics in their future studies. Students taking this course, however, should be already equipped with fundamental skills and a rudimentary knowledge of basic processes. In addition, the course will enable students to:

Pre – IB

What is meant by "the pre-IB"?

Pre-IB courses have been created by individual schools or individuals to prepare students as early as age 14. The IB was never involved in creating or approving these courses. The IB acknowledges that it is important for students to receive preparation for taking part in the DP, and that preparation is the MYP. The IB designed the MYP to address the whole child, which, as a result, has a very different philosophical approach that aims at educating all students aged 11–16. Pre-IB courses usually deal with content, with less emphasis upon the needs of the whole child or the affective domain than the MYP.

The subjects of the programme include

Mid – IB

Why mid-IB?

The Mid IB Programme/Course is a course designed for students who have completed their first IB Diploma year. The course is composed of different subjects according to the needs of each student. Each subject consists of twenty (20) hours of tutorials. The aim is to help students to:

Among others, subjects include: Mathematics (all levels), Business and Management, Economics, Psychology, English (All subjects and levels), Physics, Biology, History,and Computer Science at the higher or standard level.


Other subjects can be available upon request.